Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Prostitute and I

One dark and cloudy night, around 11 pm or so, I had to go out with Augustine and direct him to another friend’s house.  He followed me on his bike. As usual I was riding the bike pretty fast and Augustine was finding it difficult to keep up with me.I kept going without realizing that Augustine was stuck way behind me. After while I realized that he was nowhere in the vicinity, so I stopped to call him. As I took my mobile out, I saw a group of young girls standing on the side of the road. They all were dressed smartly and were walking up and down the street, as If searching for someone.
I then noticed a young girl approach me from the crowd.  As she came closer I become restless, began dialing my friend’s number. Before the call could connect though, she was already beside my bike. She smiled at me and said my price is X. I thought she was asking me for an address, and I blinked for awhile.
It then dawned on me that she was a prostitute and was telling me her price for the act of prostitution.  I could not believe that she was a prostitute, because she looked like any other girl from a decent family. I was stunned and speechless for some time and could not digest the reality. I was thinking to myself how could someone do something so Evil.
All of a sudden, there was flash of a scene from the bible, John 8: 3-11, where an adulteress was brought before Jesus. All that I remembered was the final words of Jesus “Is there no one to condemn you, neither do I condemn you, go and Sin no more”.  Then I could feel peace flowing through my mind and body. I looked right into the eyes of the girl and told her “Jesus loves you “. After hearing this, it was her turn to look stunned and speechless.
As I Kept looking into her eyes, I saw tears building up, ready to flow down. I think it was the first time the she had heard the word “LOVE” in her life. She covered her eyes with her hands and ran away from the place. I felt the cool breeze flowing as I remembered my days of sinfulness and when for the first time someone told the same words to me -“Jesus Loves you “.
Oh what a feeling it is to know that we are forgiven and that Jesus loves us still.
There are so many people in this world who are slaves to the Evil Schemes of the Devil. We try to justify it under Culture, Love, Professionalism, Modernization, Globalization and so on. I have realized that there is no point in arguing and trying to convince people of these evils.  All we have to do is to tell them that “Jesus loves them “.  It is more powerful that all the Logic, theology and philosophy that we possible comprehend.
If you closely observe, every time the first encounter of Jesus with a sinner will always be an encounter of love. Not Interrogation or condemnation. Once the Love deals with the hard heartedness, stubbornness, Evilness, brokenness, loneliness, then He slowly helps them change their ways and live a righteous life. Only Love can prepare the heart and mind to accept with humility. So if you want someone to change their ways, encounter them with Love.
Let pray for all the innocent people who have enslaved themselves to the act of prostitution. Let the light of Red one day shine with the Light of Jesus Instead