Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Passing Clouds !!!

Passing Clouds
We all meet to part and part to meet again
It’s true that no one in life is there with you till the end
All that we can do, is enjoy their presence before they transcend
There are countless instants of joy, love, peace that we spend
At last ! Like the passing clouds, all this, to the paradise of past, we commend

As we reminiscence these memories, it gives us the sense of amend
When they depart from our lives, console your heart with contend
Feelings of dejection, despair, rejection, we need to fend
Little do we know where the path of life will take the bend?

It won’t be a surprise if we meet again to extend
To realize life is mix of so many things, but it is the perfect blend
Having said all this, there is one person on whom you can depend
Our past, present, Future, He will attend

He is the only person who will be with you till the end
So it’s time to ascend; Beyond the clutches of this worldly trend
Our Anxieties and worries let us suspend
As look we towards this great lover, who was truly Godsend

Everything in Life is a passing Cloud.... Feel it before it passes away !!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Little drops make a mighty ocean

Well, as humans we generally want to do big things in life.... in the process we forget to do small things which are very important for us to achieve the great things that we are dreaming of ... i would like to share a small expereince from my life

I wanted to have a good command over the english language.... basically because of the following reasons 1. to be a instrument in God's hands to spread the good news 2. to be albe to express myself in demanding situations.... so at that point of time , it was a big thing for me... All i knew was that i had to start working towards it, because ..... my pronunciation was very bad and had a very poor vocabulary.

So everyday after college, i used to come back to the hostel and spend one hour reading the newspaper , finding meanings for the new words that i encounted, read aloud certain portions from the newspaper. For the first few months i could hardly see any impact.. but as i continued over the year, my english started to improve and today i can confidently speak before anyone very fluently....

Well the basic thing is that, sometimes what we are dreaming for might be a big thing... but we can achieve only by doing small things.. the one hour that dedicated everyday is responsible for my english fluency today....

small things constantly done have the potential to accomplish great things....
So lets think of this great way to success ...

" Do small things to acheive big things "

Monday, January 3, 2011


As i started the journey of music in my life ..... there were instances where i was humiliated and dejected....

Opportunity to play the keyboard for a program or a prayer meeting seemed so elusive... Every musician around me was a professional... so playing along with them remained a dream in my life... Even if i was allowed to play, it was with no volume to my keyboard... These humiliations taught me a great lesson.... that never to be proud... 

Due to non Conducive circumstances, i used to pray to God like this.. " Lord Jesus, i know i am not a great one allows me to play... but even if there is no volume to my keyboard you can hear my playing .... I have a desire ... when i come to be with you in heaven will you allow me to be the keyboardist of the heaven's choir ????  i know for sure the answer will be a YES 

Then as the clock ticked, God lifted me .... He gifted me with the talent of music and took me to places that i have not even imagined..... 

You might not be worthy before human eyes... but God's vantage point is different....
He knows when to lift you up ... Just hold on .. Jesus is on his way