Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dating Leads to Mating

Read 1 Corinthians 1:18 before you read the Blog

My intention of writing this blog is not to condemn dating and the people who date but to create awareness about how dating eventually lead to sexual immoralities.
The three main realties that the Devil uses to deceive us through Dating are
Ø  Worldly Standards of Morality
Ø  Natural Sexual Attraction
Ø  Occasion of Sin

I would like to explain the above points one by one

Worldly Standards of Morality:
What is the Worldy Standard of Morality ?

You can do anything IF
Ø  Both of you are in love
Ø  Both of you agree to do it mutually
Today we all are well aware of what the world teaches about Morality. From the Movies we see, the magazines we read, the conversations we have with friends everything teaches one thing -Everybody does it. So it is ok.
The Sense of morality has been compromised because it’s a road way to Pleasure. I still remember the level of corruption that was in my mind during my teenage days. The Greatest deception that is prevailing in the world today is that Physical intimacy is the most genuine justification of love.
I know lot of my friends who in the name of Dating, have done nasty things with each other and then regret in pain and guilt. In fact, one of them told me that he would not have done it, if he had known that it was wrong before marriage. He even went to the extent of blaming me for not warning for him.
Every one of us are always ready to listen and instantly believe what the world has to say about different things. But how many times have we taken the effort to understand what God has to say about these things.
Well regarding Physical Intimacy before Marriage, this is what God has to say
(Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 6:13, 18; 10:8; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5;1Thessalonians 4:3;Jude 7)
Sexual Attraction
Sex is a God given gift to each and every one of us. As it is the work of the devil to use everything that has been created for our good to deceive us, so does he do with Sex?
How does he do that?  - By corrupting our minds with worldly standards then deceiving us by leading into the occasion of Sin. When a boy and girl go on a date with this level corruption in their mind and natural attraction in their Flesh and they are alone, do you think that they can resist from doing immoral things.
Now you can ask me, that is not Dating. Well Dating is different.
The definition of dating various from Country to Country, Culture to Culture, Community to Community. How many of us who Date, find out the real definition of dating and then go on a date. This confusion is the weapon of deception that the devil uses to lead us into the occasion of Sin.
Going on date is like walking inside a lion’s cage when the Lion is sleeping. The Lion is not going to be asleep for long.  When it’s hungry it will wake up and be rest assured that you will become its prey. The lion’s Nature is to kill. After everything don’t blame the Lion.
Study shows that 95 % of People who are involved in dating recourse to Sexual intimacy in the first week of their relationship.
Occasion of Sin
“Occasion of Sin is the Paradise of the Devil”
An occasion of sin is an external set of circumstances—whether of things or persons—which either because of their special nature or because of the frailty common to humanity or peculiar to some individual, incite or entice one to sin.
Now we all know that we have a strong sexual desire, which has to be unleashed only after marriage. While dating the danger is being lead to these external set of Circumstances with the person. Once we have willing approached such an occasion of Sin, God will not interfere. He will respect our free will
But the consequence according to the Catechism of the Catholic tells us that if a soul volunteers to an occasion of sin, God withdraws himself from such a soul untill contrite repentance.Dating is one of the deceptions through which the devil deceives our soul to sexual immorality.
Dating --- Life Partner
The biggest justification that people give for Dating is that it is a tool to find out our probable Life partner.
If you are really interested in finding your life partner in a Godly way,
Ø  Asking your parents to look out – Safest way
Ø  You looking out in your social circles … ( Don’t mistake this for Dating)
If you like someone, submit that person in Prayer without engaging with that person. Don’t show any kind special affection or concern till you get clearance from God. After you have the peace, see the emotional compatibility. Once you know in your heart that you can live with this person for the rest of your life, propose to her and wait for an answer without engaging. Once she says yes, inform your parents and ask her to inform hers.
Once you have the approval of the parents, you can spend time with her. (Again without engaging physically) Once in marriage you take the vow before God and commit yourself to her, both of you become one.
Now I know a lot people will say, I have dated, but I have not done anything wrong. Well let’s not be too proud about that, given the occasion we would have fallen. May be it was God’s grace that protected us.
I know, this blog will erupt a lot of Controversy. Do forward the message to your Catholic friends.
You can contact me @ 9840793558

God Bless

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


In the recent past, I have been trying to introspect and identify the areas in my life which needs the touch of God s hand. In the process of doing so I identified certain areas where I was not acting in a Godly Way. My close circle of friends, relatives were constantly pointing out those areas because they were victimized by my abnormal behavior.

One day it so happened that I was sitting in front of my system in office and suddenly some kind of disturbance took over me. I felt a deep sense of sorrow, because I was unable to understand my behavior towards certain things which were sensitive to me. Now I knew that my behavior was wrong but I could not comprehend why.
The disturbance grew stronger and I started becoming restless and found difficult even to breathe. So I called one of my spiritual elder and I explained the things that I was go through. He asked me deep and sensitive questions to understand the root cause of the problem. All of a sudden he started probing into my childhood. As we were talking, I realized that the root cause was the event which happened when I was a young child.
 Then my spiritual counselor told me that “the present disturbance is not because of the present happening but a consequential feeling of what happened in your past and even so because  you have sustained and suppressed the guilt and anger till today “
I was confused because people in the spiritual circles have told me that you become a new creation the day when you accept Jesus as your personal savior.  I thought to myself “then how come a thing that has happened in my childhood can affect me so much”. As I was pondering, a question flashed across my mind.

It’s a great thing that you accepted Jesus as your personal savior but have you allowed Jesus to touch and change you????? Or this accepting Jesus was just a one day affair or was it just on the periphery.
Then I realized that the day when I accepted Jesus, he just started the good work in me. But have I allowed Jesus to all the aspects of my life - is it deep enough or is it on the periphery – have I allowed him to the sensitive areas or just the comfortable ones.

I could not believe the fact that I still have so many inner wounds that needs healing. These inner wounds are not only creating unnecessary and harmful emotions but it is depriving me from living a life of fullness.

Finally after all this commotion in my mind, I felt a touch of a gentle breeze and a voice that whispered I am the lord of your Past, Present and Future”

 Without any delay I made a choice to LET JESUS INSIDE ….. I know my Jesus is capable of healing me and changing me INSIDE OUT. From today onwards I will kneel before the Blessed Sacrament to receive my healing. Once I am touched Inside, I will change outside
 So I urge you friends, Roll down the red Carpet and welcome Jesus to heal you and change you