Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Touch of Difference

Read Luke Chapter 8: 40- 48

As Jesus started his ministry, he worked many miracles among the people. He healed the sick, delivered the possessed, cleansed the lepers, gave sight to the blind, forgave the sinners and so on. After seeing the many wonders of Jesus, a man named Jairus ( leader of the Synagogue ) begged him to come and heal his only daughter who was dying. Jesus immediately heeded to his plea. As he went, the crowds were pressing on him and he could hardly walk.

In the crowd there was this woman who was suffering from hemorrhage for twelve years.
She had spent a fortune on the physicians, but no one could heal her. She saw Jesus walking in the midst of the crowd and she so wanted to ask him to heal her. Knowing that it was impossible  to go near him, she struggled her way through to just touched the hem of his Garment. She was healed right at that moment.

 Jesus Immediately asks his disciples " who touched me?". Peter replies to Jesus saying " the crowd is pressing on you " (What he meant was "Master , literally everyone is touching you")

Then Jesus Says" Someone touched me, for I noticed that power had gone out of me".
After  sometime , the women unable to hide herself in the crowd, falls down before everyone and confesses why she touched Jesus and how she was healed instantly. Then Jesus tells her" Daughter . your faith has made you well, go in Peace"

Now I have the following questions,
  • Everyone around Jesus were touching him and how come only when  this women touched Jesus, power was released from Him ? what was the difference ?
  • Jesus was on his way to the House of Jairus to heal his daughter ? So Jesus was not planning to heal anyone on the way ? Then why was the women Healed?
 As I contemplated more on the bible verses, I realized that the touch of the women was with a difference. We see Jesus telling her that " Daughter , your faith has made you well". Even though everyone was touching Jesus, this woman touched Jesus with Faith and it released the power from Him. Yes,  A Touch of Faith can release the power from Jesus. So many of us touch Jesus as one among the crowd, but to release the power we need faith.

 In my personal experience this great truth was revealed to me while i started learning the Keyboard at the age of 17. Everyone around me said, it was too late and you will never make it. Well i was not going to give up. I struggled my way through the crowd and i touched Jesus with Faith. Well what happened then was indeed a great testimony.

I encourage you friends to have faith in the miracle working Power of Jesus.
Once you have faith, does not matter even if you touch the hem of his garment. Power will flow like a gushing stream.

Lets us Touch Jesus with Faith ---- The Touch of difference



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