Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Only God Can Fill the Vaccum

There was a time when i was a Ignorant Sinner, then i came know to about the love of God, so i tired to become holy and i was a Trying Sinner. Then time passed by, and i became familiar with God and his ways, Now i am a Educated sinner.

Life becomes so meaningless without God in our lives. Well its just not a statement but my experience.Its been one year since i have spent my persoanl time with God. I feel so empty and meaningless inside of me.

when i share this with my friends and elders they  say,  involve yourself in lot of activities, this feeling will go away. Then i tell them inspite of doing a lot i feel the same.

That's when i realised that you can keep doing a lot of things in your life, achieve great things , reach mountain peaks, swim across oceans, but it will not give any joy or satisfaction , if you don't do the things that you should do in order to maintain your relsationship with God.

Today i work in a very good compnay, i have a good family, i lead a choir. i am a active member of a youth movement, i have good set of friends, BUT still No Peace, No Joy, No Satisfaction.

Having realised the truth i told my myself , from today on , i will spent a considerable amount of time with God irrespective of my life's situation. Even its a waste of time its ok.
Wasting with God is the most useful thing we can do in our lives.

I have taken my first step towards filling my Vaccum

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